Award Programs (for Japan’s domestic researchers)
◆ Ishidate-Ueno Award
The Ishidate-Ueno Award is given to young researchers who have made original discoveries or inventions in life science research, drug discovery science research, or clinical research, and who are expected to achieve groundbreaking results based on these discoveries or inventions in the future.

◆ JCA-Nagayama Award
The JCA-Nagayama Award was established by the Foundation in collaboration with the Japanese Cancer Association as one of the academic awards of the Japanese Cancer Association to "honor the achievements of individuals or groups who have conducted research and development on new anti-cancer drugs and treatments originating in Japan and have created products that contribute significantly to the development of cancer treatment, and to further promote cancer research”.

Grant Programs (for Japan’s domestic researchers)
◆ Academic Research Grants
Grants will be provided to researchers at universities and research institutes in Japan who are involved in the following four research themes.
- Drug discovery and related research based on chemistry or physics
- Basic and applied research based on biology or basic medicine
- Research based on clinical medicine
- Basic and applied research on cancer
◆ Special Research Grants
◆ International Exchange Research Grants
◆ Study Abroad Grants
◆ Overseas Dispatch and Invitation Assistance
◆ Scholarship Grants
◆ Dispatch to Clinical Oncology Education Programs
The scholarship is provided to young researchers who will be dispatched to "Society for Translational Oncology Fellows' Forum: STOFF," a training session for young researchers in clinical oncology organized by the Society for Translational Oncology (STO). The purpose of this program is to provide academic information and educational support to young basic and clinical cancer researchers and oncologists in Japan by providing them with opportunities to acquire the latest information on clinical oncology and to build an international network with approximately 20 STOFF participants from Japan and overseas.