中外創薬 助成研究報告書2023

― 140 ―2. Miyamoto, T., K. Hosoba, T. Itabashi, A.H. Iwane, S.N. Akutsu, H. Ochiai, Y. Saito, T. Yamamoto, and S. Matsuura: Insufficiency of ciliary cholesterol in hereditary Zellweger syndrome. EMBO J. 39:e103499 (2020).3. Ha, K., N. Mundt, P. Bisignano, A. Pinedo, E. Cao, J.F. Reiter, D.R. Raleigh, and M. Delling: The cilia enriched oxysterol 7β,27-DHC is required for polycystin activation. bioRxiv, 488122 (2022).

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