中外創薬 助成研究報告書2023

― 117 ―Biol 13(9), a037879, 2021.2. Kawabe T, Jankovic D, Kawabe S, Huang Y, Lee PH, Yamane H, Zhu J, Sher A, Germain RN, Paul WE: Memory-phenotype CD4+ T cells spontaneously generated under steady-state conditions exert innate TH1-like effector function. Sci Immunol 2(12), eaam9304, 2017.3. Kawabe T, Zhu J, Sher A: Foreign antigen-independent memory-phenotype CD4+ T cells: a new player in innate immunity? Nat Rev Immunol 18(3), 1, 2018.4. Yi J, Kawabe T, Sprent J: New insights on T-cell self-tolerance. Curr Opin Immunol 63, 14-20, 2020.5. Kawabe T, Yi J, Kawajiri A, Hilligan K, Fang D, Ishii N, Yamane H, Zhu J, Jankovic D, Kim KS, Trinchieri G, Sher A: Requirements for the differentiation of innate T-bet(high) memory-phenotype CD4(+) T lymphocytes under steady state. Nat Commun 11(1), 3366, 2020.6. Kawabe T, Ciucci T, Kim KS, Tayama S, Kawajiri A, Suzuki T, Tanaka R, Ishii N, Jankovic D, Zhu J, Sprent J, Bosselut R, Sher A: Redefining the foreign antigen and self-driven memory CD4+ T cell compartments via transcriptomic, phenotypic, and functional analyses. Front Immunol 13, 870542, 2022.7. Kawabe T: Memory-Phenotype CD4+ T Lymphocytes: A Novel Therapeutic Target in Infectious or Autoimmune Diseases? JMA J 5(3), 298-306, 2022.8. Kawabe T: Homeostasis and immunological function of self-driven memory-phenotype CD4+ T lymphocytes. Immunol Med 11, 1-8, 2022.謝 辞本研究の遂行にあたり,公益財団法人 中外創薬科学財団から研究助成金Ⅱによる多大なご支援を賜りました.厚く御礼申し上げます.引用文献1. Kawabe T, Yi J, Sprent J: Homeostasis of naïve and memory T lymphocytes. Cold Spring Harb Perspect

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