Department of Biomolecular Innovation, Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Abstract信州大学 先鋭領域融合研究群 バイオメディカル研究所Shinshu University― 103 ―We are facing an antibiotic crisis. Since the discovery of streptomycin, the first antibiotic which kills Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen responsible for tuberculosis, Actinomycetes, especially Streptomyces, has been well known as robust producer of a variety of antibiotics. However, finding novel antibiotics from Actinomycetes has become challenging due to overmining. Therefore, scientists are eager to discover novel microbial resources for antibiotics.It is well known that 99% of bacteria do not grow in laboratory condition. These bacteria, which called unculturable bacteria, require growth factors produced by neighboring microbes or nutrients in the environment for their growth. In 2010 1), a group led by Slava Epstein developed an in situ cultivation device named iChip, which enables microbes to grow in environments such as soil. The iChip has been used not only to isolate previously unculturable microbes but also for drug discovery. So far, several novel antibiotics have been discovered from microbes isolated using the iChip 2,3). Because Japan is an island nation, it is highly possible that there are unique unculturable microbiomea compared to continental nations. In this study, I aimed to isolate unculturable microbes from soil using the iChip and apply them to antibiotic discovery research. Furthermore, there is a current need for species-specific antibiotics that kill target bacteria without harming the human microbiome. To find antibiotics with selective activity, I have introduced a differential screening against several pathogens. As a result, I have found seven culture supernatants of bacteria isolated from the iChip, which showed species-specific activity (six against Staphylococcus aureus and one against Escherichia coli).難培養性微生物ライブラリーの構築と種特異的活性をDevelopment of a library of unculturable microbes 基盤とした抗生物質探索研究への応用and its use for antibiotic discovery research, which focuses on specie-specific activity今井 優Yu Imai
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