001960-2020 TBRF-60th CHAAO-10th平成27年(2015年)度Wenqian Cai(2014.9-2016.10)Yokohama City University. 中国石川 義弘横浜市立大学医学研究科教授Usefulness of vidarabine, an anti-herpes virus agent, for the treatment of heart diseases.Yunnus Budan Shaikh(2014.4-2016.4)Izen Biosciences Private Limited. インド永澤 秀子岐阜薬科大学教授Development and evaluation of a novel target-specic PET probes for neuroinammation in neurodegenerative disease based on TLR4 inhibitor.Budiman Kharma(2014.4-2016.3)Kyoto Universit. インドネシア馬場 長京都大学大学院医学研究科講師Investigation of novel eective molecular targeting therapy through genome-wide analysis for chemo-refractory endometrial cancer, especially for serous papillary sub-type.Eun Sil Kang(2014.8-2016.8)Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine. 韓国藤井 順逸山形大学大学院医学系研究科 教授Elucidation of anti-aging eects of vitamin C by analyzing genetically modied mice and primary cultured cells.Nwet Nwet Win(2014.5-2016.4)University of Yangon. ミャンマー森田 洋行富山大学和漢医薬学総合研究所 教授Discovery of potent Vpr inhibitors as anti-HIV drugs from Myanmar medicinal plants and formulations.Theerawut Chanmee(2015.4-2017.3)Kyoto Sangyo University. タイ板野 直樹京都産業大学総合生命科学部教授A mechanism of regulating cancer stemness by hexosamine biosynthetic pathway.Muhammad Ibrahim(2015.7-2016.5)COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. パキスタン井元 清哉東京大学医科学研究所准教授Comprehensive analysis for drug response pathways using multi-omics data and prediction models for drug ecacy.Md Zobaer Hasan(2015.4-2017.3)Hiroshima University Hospital. バングラデシュ河合 太郎奈良先端科学技術大学院大学バイオサイエンス研究科 准教授A selective search and killing approach to treat viral infections and autoimmune disorders.Atmika Paudel(2015.6-2017.5)University of Toky. ネパール関水 和久東京大学大学院薬学系研究科教授Discovery of novel antimicrobial agents with novel mechanisms of action using silkworm infection model.Sarang Tartey(2015.4-2017.2)Osaka University. インド竹内 理京都大学ウイルス研究所教授Analysis of the immune regulatory system conserved from Drosophila to mammals.Maria Carla Villanueva Tablante(2015.11-2017.3)Battan General Hospital. フィリピン日比 紀文北里大学北里研究所教授Mechanisms controlling functions of gut macrophage in health and disease.Partha Sarathi Chowdhury(2015.4-2017.3)Ewha Womans University(韓国). インド本庶 佑京都大学大学院医学研究科教授Identication of novel regulatory molecule for immune inhibitory receptors involved in cancer immunology.平成28年(2016年)度Azhar Rasul(2016.4-2017.3)Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. パキスタン長田 裕之理化学研究所環境資源科学研センターグループディレクターTargeting cancer cell metabolism by small molecules.150
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